Friday 5 for August 17th, 2018

3 Ways to Build a Consistent Customer Experience
By Shep Hyken
The old saying goes that the three secrets to success in real estate are location, location, and location. But I have to say, the three secrets of customer service success are similar: consistency, consistency, and consistency… Watch video
How Hiring Apps Can Save You Time and Money
The average employee is spending less and less time with a company before moving on to a new job, and businesses will need to find new ways to improve and speed hiring. Believe it or not… Read article
Do You Know What You’re Failing At?
Failure is a gift, but only if you know about it. You don’t know unless you ask, and the people you ask are the customers and the people who work for you to serve the customers. I once learned a story… Read article
The Right Way to Go into Business with a Partner
Starting a business up with a partner is a great idea—not only does a business partner effectively halve the staggering amount of work that comes with forming a new company, but having a partner… Read article
Contingency Plans for Sole Proprietors
By Bill Wortman
How should I respond if a prospective client asks what will happen if something happens to me and I’m unable to do the work for any reason? The answer will vary based on the type of services, and… Read article