Is Your Password On This List?


We found some interesting reading recently – The 25 Worst Passwords of 2013. The top 10 most commonly used passwords from 2013 are listed below- did yours make the list?

The top 10 most commonly used passwords in 2013 were…

  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. 12345678
  4. qwerty
  5. abc123
  6. 123456789
  7. 111111
  8. 1234567
  9. iloveyou
  10. adobe123

Hopefully you didn’t just stop reading this article to go change your password. Suffice it to say, if your password is a word in the English language or a convenient character grouping (like asdfgh — it’s OK, we’ll wait while you look at your keyboard), your password is not only being used by plenty of others, it’s probably also on a hacker’s go-to list. With the advent of password hacking tools it’s more important now than ever that you have a secure password. We recommend using a password generator like LastPass.

However, should you choose to go it alone, here are 5 things to avoid when creating your password from business security site Shugo:

  1. Using a correctly spelled word of the English language.
  2. Any part of your own name or username, and especially not an exact duplication of your username!
  3. Any part of the name of a member of your extended family, your pets, your colleague or your boss. Better yet, stay away from any name – person, place or thing.
  4. Personally significant numbers – Social Security Number, birth dates, phone numbers, driver’s license number, etc.
  5. Things you love and things you hate – movies, songs, food, TV programs, etc.

If your current password contains any of the above – change it now!

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Harry Kierbow

Harry Kierbow is the Director of Social Media for Commissions Inc (CINC), a real estate technology and marketing company. He's played professionally on Facebook (and other social networks) for more than 7 years now, managing campaigns for brands (both big and small) and individuals (also both big and small). Universally regarded as the greatest ice hockey goalie to ever come from Griffin, GA (by his mom at least), you can find Harry between the pipes on the ice rinks of Georgia (yes, there is more than one) or playing with his 2 kids when he's not perfecting social media ads or binging true crime documentaries on Netflix. Connect with Harry on LinkedIn @HarryKierbow.