Business Mentoring: You Can Dream or You Can Do

You Can Dream or You Can Go Do

Every business person gets knocked down and fails. When that happens, you have to get up. That message of hard work can be discouraging for some people, but Jeffrey Hayzlett says that if you want to be successful, that’s what it takes.

It’s one thing to have big dreams, but it’s not enough. You also have to take bold action. Go do. Be relentless. That, Jeffrey says, is when the fun starts in business. Like with intense physical exercise, the harder you work, the better you feel.

To motivate yourself to continue acting big, be aware of your personal conditions of satisfaction, and make sure that what you’re doing is meeting each of them. Jeffrey has stayed true to his three personal conditions of satisfaction for 25 years, with inspiring results.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Why business owners need to take action
  • How to get through to people who are too busy
  • How to use personal conditions of satisfaction

Watch this week’s full mentoring session below:

Enjoy Thanksgiving next week, and we’ll be back in December with more Business Mentoring!

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