Business Mentoring: What Defines a Millennial?

What Defines a Millennial

There are nearly 80 million Millennials in the United States. That’s more than the total population of the United Kingdom, France, Italy, or Spain. According to Ann Fishman, the author of Marketing to the Millennial Woman, this generation is going to change the world, so businesses need to understand them.

Each generation develops characteristics based on the history of their formative years, and when those characteristics begin to change we get a new generation. To understand Millennials, you have to understand the factors that influenced them growing up, which made them more civic-minded, empowered, and ambitious.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • The key traits of the Millennial generation
  • How Millennials differ from Gen-Xers and Baby Boomers
  • Why some people think Millennials are self-absorbed
  • What sets Millennial women apart

Watch this week’s full mentoring session below:

Come back next week for more business mentoring with Ann Fishman, looking at how to market your business to Millennials!

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