Business Mentoring: The Importance of Generational Knowledge

Importance of Generational Knowledge

Understanding generational knowledge helps business owners reach out to different audiences and motivate their teams more effectively, says Ann Fishman, author of Marketing to the Millennial Woman. When dealing with Millennials specifically, she says, it’s important for business owners to recognize their lack of privacy and discretion. Millennials live in a water cooler world, and it’s important to make clear what is appropriate for sharing inside and outside the business.

While each generation has general trends, it doesn’t mean that every individual is alike, or that people will never change. Current events and the aging process will temper generational characteristics, but they will always be useful as broad trends with general applicability.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Millennials’ tendency toward making grand statements
  • What you need to train Millennials in from Day 1 on the job
  • How to understand individuals born during the transition from one generation to another
  • What Millennials need in order to move up the corporate ladder

Watch this week’s full mentoring session below:

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