Business Mentoring: The Fun of Running a Business

The Fun of Running a Business

Owning and running your own business is a land of opportunity. The possibilities for what you can do are endless. Sam Nebel and Charlie Siciak of Goodwipes have achieved a certain level of success, and now they’re looking to keep going and keep growing.

Their embrace of bootstrapping and trade shows helped them prove the concept and work out their strategy. Now they want to get their product into bigger stores—which means going back to more people for help. By connecting with people who already have relationships with those big box stores and represent other products in those stores, they plan to learn what works and what to do.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to build relationships to get into large retailers
  • Why you need to talk to people in person
  • Why it’s important to keep a business going rather than sell to someone else

Watch this week’s full mentoring session below:

Come back next week for more business mentoring!

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