Business Mentoring: Finding the Important Part of an Idea

Business Mentoring Finding the Important Part of an Idea

When you start a business, you are sure to get a lot of feedback coming from a lot of different directions, all giving you advice on what you should do next. You are pulled in a dozen different directions, and many small business owners are paralyzed by this overabundance of inconsistent feedback.

What you need to do is find a way to cut through all the noise and identify the information you really need. Find the signal in the midst of all the noise, and focus on that one thing. Even when you’re dealing with just one suggestion, often that one idea isn’t just one thing, but a collection of things. Founders who learn how to extract the important part of an idea and get to work on what matters have the best chance of success.

TJ Muehleman of Standard Code and We&Co says that his strategy for cutting through the noise is to go for advice to someone who has a similar skillset and mind to his own. Someone who thinks like he does is more likely to find the thing that will fit what he and his team need to do.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to solve the signal-to-noise ratio
  • How to find a mentor who can give practical advice
  • How businesses can get their products and services noted without a sales force
  • Why every business needs to have touch points with customers

See the full 12- minute mentoring session below:

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