Business Mentoring: Budget Time for Your Most Valuable Position

Budget Time for Your Most Valuable Position

Most entrepreneurs are pretty good at a lot of different things—and that’s the problem. Dave Crenshaw suggests that the best use of your time isn’t on things that you’re decent at, or that you can do, but rather it’s on doing what you do best, what you’re fantastic at.

The thing you do best is your Most Valuable Position, and the more time you can spend doing that thing, the more value you can create for your business. There are a lot of things you have to do to keep your business running, and you’ll have to spend time on those things, too, but never forget to budget time for what you do best, and then protect that time jealously.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Why entrepreneurs don’t have to do everything themselves.
  • How to budget time for your Most Valuable Position.
  • How the most productive people differ from the least productive people.
  • How to use meetings to reinforce your Most Valuable Position.

Watch this week’s full mentoring session below:

About the Guest

Dave Crenshaw is the master of helping business owners triumph over chaos. He has appeared in Time magazine, FastCompany, USA Today, and the BBC News. His first book, The Myth of Multitasking: How ‘Doing It All’ Gets Nothing Done, has been published in six languages and is a time management best seller. His latest book, The Focused Business: How Entrepreneurs Can Triumph Over Chaos, is also a small business best seller. As an author, speaker, and business coach, Dave has transformed thousands of businesses worldwide.

To get free access to Dave’s online Time Management Fundamentals course on, please visit:

Come back next week for more business mentoring with Dave Crenshaw!

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