Business Mentoring: How My Business Found Me

Business Mentoring A Sense of Desperation

Sometimes an entrepreneur starts a business by choice. Sometimes it is by necessity. For Yvonne Tocquigny it was the latter. In 1980, she moved to Austin, Texas, then a small town, and had a job at a small agency. When she came back from a trip, the agency had folded, and with the economy in the midst of a recession she was unable to find a job. She had no choice but to figure something out.

With training in graphic design, Yvonne began taking freelance jobs—doing anything people would hire her to do in the design and branding world. Over time, the business grew. But it started with a sense of desperation, the need to find work.

When asked who her mentor was, Yvonne says she realized that her mentor was “fear,” a desperate fear and drive to make it on her own.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How a business can grow out of a freelancing approach
  • How to use fear as a motivator
  • Why you should follow up with the people who tell you “no”

See the full mentoring session below:

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