Best of Mentoring: Kory Kogon on the 21st Century Employee


Kory Kogon’s mentoring series is all about your team—how you can make your team more productive, and how you can more effectively lead your team. In this session, Kory discusses how the changing nature of work has also changed the nature of employees in the 21st century. Brainpower and mental engagement are more important than ever, and helping people stay engaged and actively thinking is key to innovation and success.

Watch this “Best of” mentoring session below!

Come back next week for more of our best ever mentoring sessions!

About Kory Kogon

Kory Kogon is the Global Practice Leader for Productivity at FranklinCovey, and the author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller The 5 Choices: The Path to Extraordinary Productivity. She has been featured in numerous publications, including Inc, Forbes, Fast Company, and Investor’s Daily Business, for her research and work on time management, project management, and communication skills.

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