Best of Mentoring: Goodwipes on Testing Your Product at Trade Shows

Testing Your Product at Trade Shows

Sam Nebel and Charlie Siciak’s mentoring series tells the story of how they started their company, Goodwipes, and how they chose to market in a modern retail environment. They discuss the importance of selling, how their company evolved from a shared passion, and how they have embraced entrepreneurship.

In this session, Sam and Charlie talk about how they first began marketing their product, choosing not to start out in the digital world but to focus on old-school venues including trade shows, retail stores, and personal relationships. Topics include why you don’t need to hire a direct sales force, the power of in-person events and meetings, how to treat sales partners, and the value of hypertargeted marketing.

Watch this “Best of” mentoring session below:

Come back next week for more of our best ever mentoring sessions!

About Goodwipes

Sam Nebel and Charlie Siciak are the cofounders of Goodwipes. Learn more at, and follow on Twitter @goodwipes.

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