Friday 5 for the Year of 2014 — The Top 5 Posts of the Year


Here’s one gift you won’t need to return- the 5 most read posts of 2014.

Whatever you do don’t share these! Just kidding, feel free to spread the Christmas joy using the hashtag #Friday5.

5. [Infographic] 2014 Facebook Image Dimension Guide

by: Harry Kierbow

Is it just us or does Facebook seem to change more often than a traffic light? Just as you get the most recent set of image dimensions down, they change it a pixel or two. Well, stay ahead of the curve with this downloadable infographic… View infographic

4. 8 Free Tools for the Bootstrapping Small Business

by: Will Adams

Man, free tools are great. Free tools that help your business are awesome. While there are plenty of options for small business owners, here are 8 of our favorite free tools that you can start using today… Read more

In 2015 we’re launching a new Entrepreneurship Certificate with the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business. Click here to learn more and receive discounted tuition.

3. 5 Things I Do Every Day to Be Successful

by: Fran Tarkenton

I often say that my success is a result of good habits I’ve developed over the years, while bad habits have led me down the wrong roads and sometimes to bad decisions. Here are the 5 things I do every day to stay at the top of my game… Read more

2. 11 Commonly Overlooked Tax Deductions

by: Rick Gossett

As a small business, you need to take advantage of every tax deduction that applies and make sure that you don’t leave money on the table. Here are 11 of the most commonly overlooked deductions and ways to make sure you take advantage of these on your next tax return… Read more

and the most read post of 2014 is… (drumroll please)…

1. 25 Motivational Quotes to Jumpstart Your Success

by: Harry Kierbow

According to a study I just made up, over 73% of American workers hate Mondays. While this may be completely untrue (I would guess it’s probably higher), it is true that we all strive to be successful and sometimes we need a little push. Here are 25 of our favorite motivational quotes… Read more

Thanks for making 2014 a great year!

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