Time to Take Notes

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As a company grows, there are some major decisions that need to be made. They will impact a business and thus will need to be properly documented. Documenting or keeping record of these meetings is important in staying compliant and organized—being able to reference why the decisions were made and with whom they were decided are important details.

These details are often referred to as minutes and should be noted down in meetings by a company’s officers. No matter the size of the company, whether it’s a giant corporation or a sole-proprietorship, the main points discussed with a group or thought up by the lone owner should be recorded and stored.

How to take these minutes will vary from company to company depending on their needs. GoSmallBiz offers a corporate minute writer that can be used to house all major minutes in just a couple of quick clicks.

Getting there is simple, as the app can be found under the APPLICATIONS tab. Hovering over and clicking CORPORATE MINUTE WRITER will take a user there.

If it is your first time entering this portal, it may ask you to enter your company’s information on a profile page. There is select information that you must complete for your business profile. Once the necessary fields have been entered, you can save all of the information. Using the submenu, you can now access the DASHBOARD.

The dashboard is a great jumping point to finding exactly what you need for your corporate meetings. You can create and store documents, prepare documents, document scheduled meetings, organize these meetings in calendars, and have a place to store drafts for reviews, specific contact and other legal forms.

All of the groups on the dashboard allow for meetings to be properly organized and well documented. For example, if a manager is having a meeting with other company officers and needs to document their meeting they can do so by clicking on PREPARE DOCUMENTS. Depending on the kind of meeting, there will be different documents available to for use

There’s also the option to schedule and document when the meeting took place. The officers can show that a meeting happened and what the theme of the meeting was. All of these use a wizard where there’s a simple input by the manager to easily create these records

Keeping corporate minutes has never been easier. With the wonderful wizard applications provided by GoSmallBiz, this makes any business owner stay at ease with documenting major company minutes and details, also making sure to store them appropriately, having documents readily accessible as well as recording when meeting will take place and even the theme of the meeting.

Alejandro Castro

Alejandro Castro is a Client Consultant Specialist for GoSmallBiz.com and holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Business and Spanish from Georgia State University.