Striving for Service Greatness

Striving for Service Greatness

In 2015, Indeed Client Services focused on service excellence and what it means for Indeed. We defined it as “making the most of every client interaction,” and shared stories of how we saw one another exhibit service excellence in our work and day-to-day lives.

In 2016, service excellence is our new baseline and expectation. “Customers want and expect to be appreciated. This has always been the case, but companies who take the time to spend an extra moment or two to thank their customers are standing out,” according to Forbes. To further differentiate Indeed from our competition and to deliver truly memorable client experiences, we need to keep getting better and finding new ways to wow our clients. We need service greatness.

When I think about service greatness, very clear things come to mind that I see my team doing regularly. To me, service greatness is:

  1. Personalizing the client experience
  2. Going above and beyond what the client expects
  3. Turning negative experiences into positive ones

It’s easy to reply to an e-mail or take a call from a client and not necessarily do these things. It’s harder—and thus great—to push ourselves to ask one more question, to take one more step or to investigate one more thing to make sure we are providing the best service possible.

In 2015, we took our service to another level, and I believe that we can all do it again! Challenge your colleagues and your business to push the boundaries of customer service to provide a unique and memorable experience to each of your clients.

For example, we recently invited clients into our office to have in person account consultations with some of our Account Specialists and share their feedback about our products. We could have emailed our clients to thank them for their time. Instead, we sent hand-written notes to show our appreciation.

For the same event, one of the clients could not make the designated meeting time. It would have been easy for us to say “sorry you can’t make it” and leave it at that. Instead, we invited the client to come into our office at another time that was more convenient for her. Service greatness impacts brand loyalty and is the best way to show your clients you care.

Visit our Customer Help Center, attend a live webinar, or call our Client Care team at 1-800-231-3758 from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Monday-Friday to receive one-on-one account consultation and customized recommendations from our Account Specialists. With service greatness always top of mind, we’re here to help every step of the way.

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Ed Fox

Ed Fox works closely with partnership stakeholders and product leaders on business strategic planning, as Director of Technology. Ed leads the product and technology teams, directing operations while working with clients to ensure a successful development process and, when appropriate, integration with existing platforms. Ed’s specialty is aligning technology vision and strategy with product and business direction, and converting strategic plans into platforms that can grow in the market.