Relocalmove’s Summer Maintenance Tips

Summer Maintenance

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Summer is fully upon us, and that can only mean one thing: It’s time to beat the heat! We hope that you took some of our advice in our spring edition of home maintenance tips, but even if you haven’t done a SINGLE thing to prepare for the heat of summer, it’s not too late! Here is a list of things you can do THIS WEEKEND to get your home and yard back on track to not only survive the summer heat, but to THRIVE in it.

Let’s first address the home itself, and then we will move on to the yard.

Check Detectors: Make sure all of your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are working properly. If you cannot remembers the last time the batteries were changed, that means it’s probably time to swap them out.

Check Air Conditioning: The best time to check your AC systems are BEFORE the heat wave hits and they break down. We recommend having your HVAC unit serviced every two years, so if you didn’t have it serviced before LAST summer, it’s more than worth a couple hundred dollars to have a professional come out and service your units.

Don’t forget about those ceiling fans, either! They can get pretty dusty over the winter months of not being used.

Inspect your Deck: Give your deck a good inspection and hammer down any nails that have started to pop up. Spray some water onto the wood and check to see if it is properly sealed or not. If the water beads up and stays on top, your deck is good to go. If the wood absorbs the water, it’s time for another round of stain or sealant!

Wash Your Windows: Most homeowners clean the inside of their windows fairly regularly, but when was the last time you cleaned the exterior of your windows? Check the wood and trim around the edges to make sure you don’t have any wood rot of chipped paint.

Re-Mulch/Pine Straw: This helps to prevent the growth or weeds as well as helps keep the moisture in the soil to help your flowers and plants grow. Fresh mulch and pine straw will also give your yard the curb appeal you are wanting!

Trim Tree Limbs Away From Roof: The spring and summer time are when the most growth for trees and plants takes place. Give your roofline another check to make sure that you don’t have any branches scraping against your siding or your shingles. The number one thing that shortens the life of a roof (other than hail of course) is the scratching of tree branches. Make sure these are trimmed back away from your home.

Set a Watering Schedule: Many people prefer to water their plants and lawn lightly every day. The proper way to give your plants and lawn the best watering is by watering them deeply three times per week. This will allow for deeper and stronger root growth and help prevent wilting as the temperatures climb.

Check for Leaks: Make sure all of your exterior faucets and hoses are not dripping or spraying. Even the smallest of leaks can add up to major water loss. Dry hoses can be wrapped with electric tape in an overlapping manor, and faucets can be patched with plumbers putty or caulk.

For all of your home maintenance needs, head over to and check out the blog and videos tabs. If you have any other real estate related needs please give us a call at 844-735-6225. We hope you have a happy and safe summer!

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Ed Fox

Ed Fox works closely with partnership stakeholders and product leaders on business strategic planning, as Director of Technology. Ed leads the product and technology teams, directing operations while working with clients to ensure a successful development process and, when appropriate, integration with existing platforms. Ed’s specialty is aligning technology vision and strategy with product and business direction, and converting strategic plans into platforms that can grow in the market.