NOWaccount – Don’t Fall In Love With Your Startup Idea

Like all entrepreneurs, the path to startup for Lara Hodgson and NOWaccount was not a clear cut one. There were many potential dangers to navigate along the way — after all, more than 3 of 4 new startups fail.
It’s easy to become overwhelmed when trying to get a new business off the ground. Lara says one of the most important things to do is to develop a list and break the monumental task down into smaller, more manageable sub-tasks. Then, work with your team to accomplish the smaller goals that will lead up to a big win.
One of the biggest traps, though, comes from falling in love with your own idea. Of course, you have to be fanatical about it, but not to the point where you don’t listen to feedback from others and use it to improve. She says you have to let the need drive the development of your idea. Lara says, “Where most businesses get stuck is when you have your great idea and you fall in love with it, and then you become so focused on how beautiful your idea is that you stop listening to what the customer actually wants.”
Break down the tasks, listen to your customer, take feedback — it seems simple, but so many neglect to do it.
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