Midweek Reading: Workaholics, Memoirists, and Monopolists

Reality defies the predictions of 20th century economists, who predicted that our century would be one of increasing leisure time, when instead it has become marked by workaholism among the already wealthy and successful.
A fast-growing “personal memoirist” industry is developing in small business America, helping older generations preserve and share their stories.
More and more industries are consolidating into the hands of giant companies on their way to monopoly status, some economists and thinkers warn, as rates of entrepreneurship are in a long-term decline.
Median household income in the United States saw its largest increase since the statistic was first measured in 1967, going up 5.2 percent.
Strange but true: some employers have begun offering pet bereavement leave—paid time off for employees after the death of a pet.
While bosses often want to be liked and be a friend for employees, Chris Myers of BodeTree argues that the first and most important responsibility is leadership.
Solopreneurs often find it difficult to build an audience for their message, but SmallBizTrends shares strategies to get the word out to more people.
Wendy Miller discusses how small businesses can use big business branding techniques.
Older would-be entrepreneurs who find they lack technical skills are finding training programs designed to break through the “concrete ceiling.”