Midweek Reading: Neuromarketing, Artistic Thinking, and Monotasking

Neuromarketing researchers are studying how the human brain responds to various marketing devices to help brands communicate more effectively, but skeptics fear that these studies could be used to manipulate consumers in an unprecedented way.
The art history degree is commonly used as a punchline by pundits who advocate more training in business and STEM subjects, but Amy Whitaker writes about how artistic thinking can actually help business success and encourage market creativity.
Studies have found that multitasking is inherently inefficient, but how easy is it to “monotask” and give up multitasking, even just for a week?
Small business owners looking to sell their companies can get a higher return by following some critical strategies—and thinking about more than just money.
Facebook has become a primary distributor for sponsored content ever since it became officially permitted on the site in April, changing the way publishers and businesses reach potential customers.
The perfect hire might seem too expensive for a new business to afford on a tight budget, so consider getting creative to make a unique and compelling offer.
The “gig” economy has been controversial for many reasons, including the arguments over employees vs. contractors, but some companies in the space are trying to set themselves apart by channeling more revenue toward the workers.
Many customer loyalty programs are focused on the wrong things; here are three common mistakes and how to fix them.
Psychological pricing strategies can maximize sales by subtly communicating to consumers simply through the cost of a product.
The Kauffman Foundation looks at the startup legacies of outgoing leaders Barack Obama and David Cameron.
Small business loans in the US fell by nearly a quarter from 2008 to 2015, but now banks are trying to run their small business lending operations back up.