Midweek Reading: Discounts, Boomers, and Millennials

Everybody loves to buy things at discounted prices, but Amazon is testing a new pricing strategy, only showing current prices, with no list prices for comparison.
Baby Boomers are also booming in entrepreneurship, with 18 percent of age 65+ workers being self-employed.
Millennials lead the nation in entrepreneurial mentality, but not in actual activity. Studies find that high levels of debt and aversion to risk have slowed their rate of business formation.
A vote for Brexit was portrayed as a vote for a deregulated Britain, but there might be little to no deregulation in the future, leaving entrepreneurs with EU regulations for the foreseeable future.
Successful businesses don’t get there overnight; this entrepreneur was rejected by venture capitalists 70 times before finally finding funding—and his company is now worth more than $1 billion.
Listening to podcasts is a great way to get in some learning on the go; here are 8 business podcasts to give a try.
While debates continue over the federal minimum wage, individual states and cities are passing higher wage laws on their own. Washington, DC, is the latest to pass a $15 per hour minimum wage.
Still using a BlackBerry? The once-omnipresent smartphone company is discontinuing its BlackBerry Classic.
Approximately 60 percent of US businesses reopen after a disastrous fire. Here are the things to do in the event of a disaster and how to get back in business.
While they’re still young, Millennial entrepreneurs are still thinking about the future, and plan to leave their businesses to their children.