Midweek Reading: Caution, Dedication, and Society

Business is about more than just making money. Tim Cook of Apple recently spoke about what he sees as the responsibility business has toward society.
Martin Dempsey, the retiring Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, talks about maintaining a balance between caution and paralysis by analysis.
Jordan Spieth just completed one of the most remarkable seasons for a professional golfer in history, but he sets an example for leaders of all kinds by his dedication to improving his craft and holding himself to the highest standard at every opportunity.
Despite decades of attempts, no one has ever been able to scale the dog walking industry and create a mega service company, leaving it the domain of individual entrepreneurs and side hustles.
Jan Singer shares in an interview how she works to get the most out of every member of her team, through high standards, constant evaluations of people’s abilities and achievements, and involvement in decision making.
Technology has changed the way we interact with people. Our interactions online are different from our interactions in person. Sherry Turkle reviews all the recent research on communication in the digital age.
Amazon is trying to still more things to reinvent the online shopping industry, this time using a network of independent contractor delivery couriers to provide instant shipping (1-hour).
The bad news in the economy is that experts expect this to be the worst quarter in four years, thanks to China’s economic problems and increased healthcare spending.
You can do well by doing good. Steve Parrish gives three ways charitable giving can improve your tax planning strategy.
A new study identifies when it will be productive for a worker to work from home, weighing job responsibilities, organizational needs, and the individual worker’s traits.