Midweek Reading: Beacon Technology and the New Year


Smartphone technology is making it easier for businesses to market to customers right when they’re walking by the store, or even as they linger in a particular section. Is beacon technology the wave of the future?

Big banks are looking to be more active in the small business lending arena, and they’re doing it by partnering up with upstart alternative lenders who have surged in the past few years.

Mark Zuckerberg’s New Year’s resolution? To create an AI to run his home, like JARVIS in the Iron Man movies. Sounds simple. But research indicates that just making his resolution public makes it more likely he’ll achieve it.

Looking for a little motivation to jumpstart the New Year? Zach Cutler of Cutler PR has some inspirational quotes to help you reach your goals this year.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a great business. Katie Lance writes about the ingredients of creating something that will be great, including time, guts, a team, and more.

Tweets are 140 characters. That’s the whole point, right? Twitter is experimenting with allowing users to submit longer tweets, even up to 10,000 characters.

The New Year means that new laws are going into effect. Among those are increased minimum wages in 12 states as well as individual cities and counties.

If you’re balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship, SmallBizTrends shares some ways you can increase productivity and avoid feeling completely overwhelmed.

Retiring Baby Boomers make up a growing percentage of entrepreneurs. Andrew Medal shares the story of how he helped his mother start her own business, called Mom’s Startup Services.

Americans returned more than a quarter of a trillion dollars’ worth of merchandise last year, a large percentage of that during and after the holidays. Do you wonder where it all goes?

Edwin Bevens

Edwin Bevens is the Head Writer and Editor for Tarkenton Companies, and the Editor of SmallBizClub.com. With a background in journalism and publishing, Edwin received a 2008 South Carolina Press Association Award for reporting. Developing, producing, and maintaining content across multiple websites, Edwin focuses on helping small business owners find the right match of voice, audience, and medium for every message.