Mary Beth Bryant: A Passion for Helping Others

The mission of business is helping others—plain and simple. A successful, sustainable mission must provide value to its customers, and make their lives better.

For Mary Beth Bryant, of, her business is about helping others learn how to communicate. The cello teaches discipline, emotion, and responsibility, she says. She teaches her students how to express themselves in a unique way, so that after all the hard work involved in learning to play an instrument, including warmups, scales, lessons, and more, there is a real reward.

Related: [Video] Mary Beth Bryant — Never Stop Learning

Dan Fontaine

Dan Fontaine is the Director of Video Production at Tarkenton Companies and for 4P Productions, directing creative strategy sessions, script writing, and both studio and live shoots. Prior to joining Tarkenton Companies, Dan studied video editing at New York University and worked on projects for The Science Channel, U.S. Soccer, Coca-Cola, and more. With extensive experience in video production, post-production, and web distribution, Dan can help answer any video-related questions you may have.