Mailchimp Integration with the GoSmallBiz CRM

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What separates a good CRM from a great one is the details, especially a CRM’s ability to work with other tools to maximize a business owner’s productivity and outreach to his or her customers. For example, GoSmallBiz’s CRM provides integration with outside marketing email provider Mailchimp. Mailchimp’s ability to sync with GoSmallBiz’s CRM makes it an indispensable tool when growing a business, since users will be able to send mass emails just by ensuring the CRM account is synced to their Mailchimp Account.

Once a user has uploaded their rolodex database into their CRM, they can now sync their contacts to their Mailchimp account. First, though, the user will need to create an account. Mailchimp has different types of accounts depending on the needs of the user. You can determine which one best suits you. Once you’ve done so, you can proceed to set up your account and prepare for the sync.

Create an Audience

When the business owner logs into Mailchimp, they will need to create an audience. This can be done by going to the ‘Audience’ tab and select CREATE. The user will need to fill in and confirm all required fields.

After completing this initial step, the business owner will need to create a campaign to send out to their customers. Mailchimp has tutorials to create campaigns, such as the one found here.

Associating CRM with Mailchimp Account

One the business owner has created their account and created an audience, they will need to associate their CRM list to the Mailchimp Audience. This can be done by shifting back to their CRM account on the GoSmallBiz website, hovering over the MAILCHIMP tab with the curser, and selecting the ‘Associate with CRM’ option.

The user will enter their newly created Mailchimp account information. This will sync the accounts and provide the audiences for the business owner to select when he or she will want to merge large numbers of customers. When logging into the Mailchimp account through the CRM, the user will click the Mailchimp button and progress to choosing the audience; they will do this by selecting ‘Choose Mailchimp List to Sync with CRM.’

Subscribing Customers

The final step will be subscribing your CRM list to the Mailchimp audience in bulk. You can can do this by going to the ‘Contacts’ tab and selecting ‘Action.’ The account manager can ensure that all the customers are selected by clicking on ‘Select All Records,’ and in the ‘Action’ toolbox, the user can select ‘Mailchimp Subscribe.’ This will automatically subscribe them to the Audience that was created on Mailchimp. It may take up to 15 minutes to see the list populate on Mailchimp, depending on the size of the list.

Unsubscribing or Opting Out from the Mail List

For customers that do not want to be on the mailing list, there is also the same option for business owners to use. The user will need to select who they will take off of the mailing list and select either to opt out or to unsubscribe completely. This will take them off of the subscription. If the owner took them off, they would be able to add them again; however, if the customer unsubscribed themselves, then re-adding them is not possible.

This tool and the ability to sync GoSmallBiz with Mailchimp truly enhances a business owner’s work instruments and productivity. With ease, the user and account manager will be able to house their accounts in one CRM and also send out newsletters, promotions, reminders, and much more to the masses with a sole click through Mailchimp, without the hassle of manually entering their customer’s information. This is what truly distinguishes GoSmallBiz’s CRM from the masses. Its simplicity and functionality truly make it an asset to its user.

Alejandro Castro

Alejandro Castro is a Client Consultant Specialist for and holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Business and Spanish from Georgia State University.