Laughing Skull Lounge: Managing People


Marshall Chiles, founder and owner of the Laughing Skull Lounge in Atlanta, says that there are three types of people he works with, and adjusts his employer-employee approach for each. The first group is people who work directly for him at the lounge, running things day-to-day. With this group, he is very hands-off: they know what needs to be done, and the consequences of not fulfilling their duties. The second group is the local comedy scene, whom he treats more like family. It’s a supportive relationship; they don’t make a lot of money, but they grow, and it’s important to nurture them because that’s nurturing the scene. Third is the headliners—and there, it’s more like he works for them, getting them whatever they need. The goal is that when they leave they say it was a great experience and they want to come back.

No matter the group, Marshall’s management style is about knowing his team and treating them like individuals.

Marshall spoke about his management style in this 3 minute video:

Dan Fontaine

Dan Fontaine is the Director of Video Production at Tarkenton Companies and for 4P Productions, directing creative strategy sessions, script writing, and both studio and live shoots. Prior to joining Tarkenton Companies, Dan studied video editing at New York University and worked on projects for The Science Channel, U.S. Soccer, Coca-Cola, and more. With extensive experience in video production, post-production, and web distribution, Dan can help answer any video-related questions you may have.