Laughing Skull Lounge: Differentiate Yourself


What makes you different from everyone else around you? Marshall Chiles, founder and owner (and self proclaimed “dudeman”) of the Laughing Skull Lounge in Atlanta, has created a business unlike any others in his market.

With the smallest space and the fewest seats of any comedy venue, the Laughing Skull Lounge offers a more intimate experience. “No other place offers what we offer,” he says. “If comedy is an intimate art form, you need an intimate space.” And the model has worked so well that other similarly sized venues are opening across the United States and Canada, now that the Laughing Skull has proven that a small comedy club can thrive.

More from Marshall:

Dan Fontaine

Dan Fontaine is the Director of Video Production at Tarkenton Companies and for 4P Productions, directing creative strategy sessions, script writing, and both studio and live shoots. Prior to joining Tarkenton Companies, Dan studied video editing at New York University and worked on projects for The Science Channel, U.S. Soccer, Coca-Cola, and more. With extensive experience in video production, post-production, and web distribution, Dan can help answer any video-related questions you may have.