Business Mentoring Series – Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help with Lara Hodgson


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Last week, on the Business Mentoring Show, Lara and Fran discussed following your passion in business and whether or not it is more important to be passionate about what you do or why you do it.

See more from last week here.

This week, Lara and Fran discuss whether or not you should seek help for your new idea.

Fran has always sought out partners in his businesses. Having a great partner makes it a lot easier to grow a business. In a competitive culture, though, the default position of many entrepreneurs is to go it alone and avoid sharing ideas, out of fear that someone might “steal” them.

But with a strong relationship built on trust, people can help one another, an essential part of growth. Partners can also help businesses reach new customers, as they communicate through intermediaries who already have strong relationships with the desired customers. Above all, when you’re looking to grow, ask questions and have a strong plan in place, and don’t take on risks you aren’t ready for just to grow the business.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How partners can help you grow
  • The right questions to ask before growth
  • The right approach to risk to create a long-term sustainable company

Like to know what’s coming? Here’s a preview:

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Edwin Bevens

Edwin Bevens is the Head Writer and Editor for Tarkenton Companies, and the Editor of With a background in journalism and publishing, Edwin received a 2008 South Carolina Press Association Award for reporting. Developing, producing, and maintaining content across multiple websites, Edwin focuses on helping small business owners find the right match of voice, audience, and medium for every message.