Beef ‘O’ Brady’s: Hiring and Training Great Employees

In any business, the people you hire are essential to your success—they are the impression that customers will get of your business. Reed Parker, the owner of a Beef ‘O’ Brady’s franchise in Dallas, Georgia, believes that behavioral questions are the key when you look at hiring someone. You need to know if the person you are hiring will fit into your model and help your team move towards their shared goals. With the right questions, you can figure that out. And when you have a team of employees, it’s important to motivate them every day, at all different times of the day. Set goals—smart goals, realistic goals, stretch goals—that will help you and your team to reach really high. If people are striving for something, they will achieve more than if they are just present to do a job.

More from Reed and his team: [Video] Marketing Through the Community

Dan Fontaine

Dan Fontaine is the Director of Video Production at Tarkenton Companies and for 4P Productions, directing creative strategy sessions, script writing, and both studio and live shoots. Prior to joining Tarkenton Companies, Dan studied video editing at New York University and worked on projects for The Science Channel, U.S. Soccer, Coca-Cola, and more. With extensive experience in video production, post-production, and web distribution, Dan can help answer any video-related questions you may have.